Leslye Graham  ||  Designer

Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet has been the go-to travel guide for every tourist and culture enthusiast since 1972, but needed to be updated for the traveler of 2016.

Introducing Knapsack, the mobile application that helps travelers make the most of their experiences, just as Lonely Planet intended.

With Knapsack, you'll always have a friend in town.


Next stop, the world.

Lonely Planet will visit 52 of the world's major cities every week for one year. Each event is sponsored by a different local business, and is designed to help locals and tourists alike discover the hidden gems of the city.


Airport Lounge


Coffee Cup Giveaway

These cups are wrapped in a scratch-off world map, so drinkers can punch out the logo chip
and scratch to reveal parts of the world they'd like to explore.


Bus Stop Experience


Web Redesign



Art Director | Leslye Graham
Copywriter | Regina Strong